Angelenia's Story

When Angelenia first found out she was pregnant, she was in her final year of high school. Her mother’s words planted conviction within her, “If you’re old enough to have sex - you’re old enough to take care of a baby.” The problem was never over her options - the problem was, she had dreams of becoming a lawyer. How could she have a baby and become a lawyer? That’s the question most clients wrestle with when they learn they are pregnant. How can I move forward - with a baby? Despite two unplanned pregnancies she pursued her education and finally was able to graduate, buy a house, and find love. She did it! Surrounded by the compassion she found at Positive Options, she received emotional support, prenatal education, baby supplies, and the Gospel. Through your support and Angelenia’s courage, she chose life. Today, Angelenia is no longer a client. She’s now a donor - and a young Christian. She believes that if we provide the truth, encouragement, and resources, young women and men will also find the courage needed to choose life and walk out their dreams.
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