Our fatherhood services serve expectant fathers with pregnancy options information and parenting education. This program also guides men into prenatal, parent education, and support, as they take on the role of fatherhood. This service was designed with the purpose of teaching fathers their role and responsibility as fathers and leaders in their family. The Male Advocates are trained and experienced to support new and young fathers to be better equipped to raise their child, support their partner, and utilize the tools they need to build a healthy home founded on Biblical principles. We guide men to be the best father they can be, but they may not always be sure how to do that. They can be their family’s hero, and we’re here to help.
Services include opportunities for:
Learning practical parenting skills to care for your child
Discovering your role as a father, and your influence on your family
Mentorship opportunities that lead to deeper relationships as you learn and grow
Ongoing learning and support through programs such as:
If you are interested in our men's program, please email Tim