Family Services Coordinator
The Family Services Coordinator is responsible to facilitate all client education. The Family Services Coordinator will provide training and care of volunteers while helping to ensure the quality of all client services and helping to bring awareness through community relations and fundraising. The Family Services Coordinator will assist in maintaining a positive presence in the community and within the center with the goal of attracting new clients and providing excellent client care. The Family Services Coordinator will work alongside Community Teams to support Positive Options clients that are referred to Community Teams. The Family Services Coordinator will help establish and facilitate the Cradles of Grace Program in area churches.
Read through the Job description here. Please contact Rachel Bell for more information and fill out an application.
Men's Coach
This position plays a significant role in achieving the religious mission of Positive Options and thus has a ministry purpose, and supports Positive Options’ long-term vision of tripling the number of lives saved in 15 years, 5,000 lives by 2040. The Men’s Coach is responsible for the day-to-day operations of Positive Options men’s program that engages, empowers, and equips men involved in an unplanned pregnancy as they make life changing decisions. This includes training and counseling men in deeper discipleship.
Read through the Job description here. Please contact Rachel Bell for more information and fill out an application.