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The "Circle of Care" is a term we use to describe the support and services available to individuals facing an unplanned pregnancy. Positive Options is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive services to people facing an unplanned pregnancy. Positive Options offers five key services as part of our Circle of Care:
The Joshua Center (Church engagement), Project BestLife (Sexual Health Education in schools), Family Support (Pre-natal classes, material services and Parenthood classes), Medical services (pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and mentoring), and Fatherhood services (mentoring and parenthood/fatherhood classes).

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Positive Options provides multiple support and programs to our community. We provide this through our Circle of Care because we are loving people to life before during and after a pregnancy decision.

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Our medical services provide pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, limited prenatal consultation, telemed, and medical referrals at each of our centers.

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Parent Education

Family support identifies our pre-natal classes and parenting classes. Participants are encouraged with support, material goods, and building healthy relationships with each other. Topics include: pregnancy, labor and delivery,  healthy relationships, Co-parenting, Life skills, nutrition, discipline, goal setting, etc.

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The Joshua Center mobilizes the Body of Christ to embody the Gospel at the crossroads of culture.
We desire to connect our clients to the church – a healthy body equipped to provide support and community.

The Joshua Center
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Men's Ministry

Our Fatherhood services serves expectant fathers with pregnancy options information and parenting education.

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Sexual Health Education

Project Best Life serves area schools, churches, parents, and teens by bringing sexual and relational health education to students. Our team equips them to choose healthy lifestyles and relationships.

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