At Lakeshore Pregnancy Center, we are dependent upon God's infinite wisdom and guidance. We want to make decisions that please God. For that reason, prayer is an integral and necessary component of all we do at LPC. Together we seek to know God intimately, love God with our whole heart, and live for God passionately.
Prayer is our resource for future planning and daily decision-making. We want to listen well and follow God obediently. We are committed to join Him in His work rather than asking Him to simply bless our work.
If you'd like, you may use the following prayer guide from Philippians 1:9-11 to pray for our staff,
volunteers, and board members:
» Pray that LOVE may abound in everything we do.
» Pray that we will increase in knowledge and depth of insight.
» Pray that we will be able to discern what is best in each circumstance.
» Pray that we will be pure and blameless in both our personal and professional lives.
» Pray that we will be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes from our Lord.
» Pray that in everything we do, we will live to the glory and praise of God.
Thank you for your prayer support of the LPC staff, board and volunteers!
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have in helping young men and women make life changing choices. (2 Cor. 10:3-4)
Here are some suggested ways that you could be praying for us:
Our clients:
Please pray that God would continue to bring women who are vulnerable to abortion through our doors and that their hearts would be open to hear the truth about life in the womb. Pray that they would hear and respond to the message of salvation available through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our staff:
Please pray for wisdom and guidance as we seek to honor God in all aspects of the ministry. Ask God to multiply our time so that we can accomplish much and still be available to personally meet the needs of our clients.
Our volunteers:
Please pray for God’s blessings and protection on those who so graciously give of their time and talents here at Lakeshore Pregnancy Center. Pray that God would grant them courage and boldness to share the truth in love with our clients.
Our finances:
Please pray that God would continue to supply our needs according to His riches and that we would be faithful stewards of the resources He provides.
Our activities:
Please pray that God would be glorified in every Lakeshore Pregnancy Center activity – from day-to-day operations at the center to speaking engagements in churches, fundraising opportunities, support groups, Sex education classes in schools, Connections with the local church and more.
Our reputation:
Please pray that we would be known in the community as a ministry committed to the sanctity of life as well as loving and serving our clients. Ask God to protect and preserve the reputation of our center as well as the pregnancy care ministry as a whole.
Would you like to become one of our prayer partners and receive our prayer calendar every month?