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Positive Options uses and endorses the following resource content as current, helpful, effective, and life-affirming in teaching and equipping pastors, parents, teens, and young adults with regard to important and challenging social and cultural issues. It's not about having The Talk. It's about having one ongoing conversation that lasts a lifetime.
If you would like to know more about partnering with us, please contact AmyJo.
Axis provides topical resources to bring you closer to having sincere, open, and honest conversations with your kids. After all, the best way to understand each other and build your relationship is to keep the conversation going.
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Discover the Truth about Jesus, Sex and Gender. This video-based, comprehensive discipleship experience will help youth leaders, teachers, mentors, parents, youth and young adults engage in one of the most important conversations of our age.
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As a parent, you know the importance of having healthy and meaningful conversations with your teen. You know that healthy and meaningful conversations with your teen are vital to their emotional, physical, social and spiritual health.
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We show families, schools, and churches how to create safer digital spaces. We can help you be confident, connected AND protected. Kids want a digital coach - not a controller. We make it easy and we'll show you how.
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