Project BestLife is our Sexual Health Education program. We serve area schools, churches, parents, and teens by bringing sexual and relational health education to students. Our team equips them to choose healthy lifestyles and relationships.
Our school-approved curriculum serves grades 4th-8th Grade.
Topics include Abstinence, Friendships & Dating, Love vs. Infatuation, Pornography, Purity, Respect & Communication, Sexting, Social Media, and Values.
In Ottawa County:
52% of teens having had sex did so before the age of 16.
51% of teens who have had sex have done so with more than one person; 16% with four or more sexual partners.
One in five students have engaged in sexting.
Half of the teens have dated someone in the past 12 months, and, on average, one in ten of those relationships involved abusive behavior.
In addition: -
Half of the 20 million new STDs reported each year are among young people between the age of 15 to 24.
One in six children between the ages of 10 and 14 visit pornographic sites online.
Statistics according to the 2017 Ottawa County Youth Assessment Survey
CDC Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2016
Center ofCyber Safety and Education, Children's Internet usage study 2016